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Old 10-18-2016, 09:32 AM
kmoose kmoose is offline
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Originally Posted by Snookerd View Post
Ken-I'm all the way up with no cavitation. I'm leaving it until a Hermco twin bracket shows up under the tree! 18.5 Zuke prop. What are your #'s with the new prop.
I'm seeing a knot slower at cruise speeds at the same rpm and 2 knots slower with it on the wood. The improvement is in fuel burn at cruise and I can hit 6150 at 25% trim lightly loaded. Better than that I can trim to almost 75% now and hit 6300 without blowing out. The PT prop has way more cupping and slightly narrower blades. This reduces the stern lift and give you enough grip to pull the bow up. I haven't run the prop yet with a full tank and dive load but I am well within operating range for the motor when before I was over propped which is a very bad thing for a 4 stroke. I'll post up the full numbers when I get my note pad off the boat when I get home tonight.

Eric, she looks awesome! Certainly a one of a kind.
[b]The Moose is Loose !
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