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Old 11-16-2016, 04:32 PM
samaha samaha is offline
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 22
Default width of Transom Well, 23' Sceptre, 1977

sorry, 1978 Sceptre if it matters.

Hello one and all.
I have an opportunity to buy a transom/engine shroud, the three sided hinged thing that covers the top of the engine and helps reduce engine noise. Some use the top as a bait cutting station or a casting platform. They're kinda funny looking but I like the decibel attenuation potential. The item in question is 40" wide, 32" high, 24" deep.
I ask because my lovely 'Seneca' lives in the New England, while I am in the Rocky Mts.
Yes, I have already searched and googled. Figured this could be readily answered by one of the helpful experts here.
Thank you.

This is what my transom looks like.
Name:  img.php.jpg
Views: 83
Size:  37.1 KB

this is not the shroud, just examples.
Name:  DSC_0059.jpg
Views: 95
Size:  31.8 KB
Name:  Transom.jpg
Views: 95
Size:  71.9 KB
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