Originally Posted by 69Seacraft20
Thanks guys,
I checked into high and dry boatworks website and they seem legit. I'm sure they can find me a tank welder. Actually looking at there work and close proximity I may just use them for restoration once I'm ready and have them refit a tank below deck. There right down the road and I couldn't find them with all my searching. My friend owns signal point auto which is on that road.
Also Basketcase, I found the post by Fishstreacher but he was talking about a 20gal tank it seems. Although poly would of been a great option.
Again thanks
20 gal is a bit small and I think it's an aux tank for him. I did a poly 25 gal under the deck in my 20 (Not done yet) and I think it should be plenty. I wanted to keep it light and also not have 80 gallons of fuel going stale because I'll probably never need that much fuel. I guess it depends all on how you plan to use the boat. That being said, there is a ton of poly tanks of all shapes and sizes. You may get lucky.