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Old 02-23-2017, 05:16 PM
CaptMick CaptMick is offline
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Default Various Parts for Sale

Unique Transaction ID # 97H56767KW114100G

I have Suzuki four stroke cowlings that would need some level of refinishing to be super nice. 140 hp through 250 hp. $100 a piece. Pics to come.

I also have a Hard Top set up for a 25 Scepter for the original windshield that was never installed and has a minor crack but overall in good shape with mounting hardware. Pics to come

Also let me know if you are looking for any used suzuki four stroke part for 140 through 250 HP except lower units. But well stocked in Trim Tilt Assy.'s

- White Cupholders
- TH marine spring lid supports
- A Parts motor Yamaha 150 four stroke with some parts left
- pontoon bar b q grill
- Trolling motor stern mount mini kota w/ prop
- 2 yamaha concealed side mount control boxes
- aftermarket Yamaha 150 four stroke starter

Literally a fire sale- you should see all stuff that melted that I had. Make an offer. Pictures to come.

Money Paid for for sale ad. I don't think I have to pay for listing parts but did it any way to support the site. Thanks

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