Originally Posted by tailhooker
I have decided to take on the transom rebuild. Sorry if this question has been asked before but I couldn't find a definitive thread regarding pro's/con's of tackling it from inside as opposed to outside. I would prefer outside but want it as structurally sound as possible. I will be using Coosa and epoxy. Thanks in advance for any advice.
If you search the site you will find many that have done it either way and examples of each. I would look at how others have done them and take the best ideas from each and just make sure you go about it in a correct fashion either way you choose.
Many up here do them from the outside, but me I like to keep the original hull shell in tack. It is a little more work doing it from the inside having to deal with the liner but I prefer coming in from the inside. Pro's and cons? I would say the biggest pro of doing it from the inside is you don't have all the fairing to do on the rear of the hull. You can add more tabbing and build the thinner inside up to match the outer layers for a stronger cored section. Also adding knees to support the bracket better for extra strength may be easier done while you are laying up the inside. Normally the outer hull is thicker than the inside layers on the transom and I like to get the inside layers the same thickness as the outside. Even if you go in from the back side you can add to the inside prior to the core. You are still limited to the original thickness tho. It just seems easier to add it from the inside after you bond the core in. (even tho the original thickness is plenty fine) it is still nice to beef it up some for the extra weight and setback of the bracket. Pro's to the outside in, I guess you wouldn't have to mess with the inner liner or any of the rear of the hull. If you want to keep all that original and don't plan on cutting up the back of the boat it may make more sense to come in from the back. I think both ways will yeld a good strong transom as long as you do it right either way. Just depends on what else you may want to do. If you are pulling the cap off to re-core it then it would make more since to me to go from the inside while the cap was off. It may be a pain to remove parts to access the inside but once you do you will have better access to everything. Its easier to lay cloth and resin up on a 12 degree back lay than fighting 12 degress forward towards you. The glass is more likely to stay where you put it vs gravity trying to flop it off. Im sure others may have pros and cons but that is just my take on it.