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Old 04-09-2017, 09:47 PM
tommyg29 tommyg29 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 25

I mentioned in another thread that I looked at this boat a few years ago at dinner key. Never got to look too closely though and didnt take it out. Seemed like a very nice boat at the time, but felt it was just a little over priced for what it was. I did my research on it and came to the conclusion it was a converted bow rider, but Im no expert.

In the meantime, since Im the OP, I guess I should mention that I finally did find the right opportunity, and ended up buying an '89 20 footer a few months ago. So far very happy with it, and picked it up for a price I could afford. I see some nicely restored classics asking a LOT of $$. My 89 is no classic, but I hope to enjoy it just the same.
I appreciate some of the suggestions and advice, and I hope to run into some of you guys this season.
Cheers, and safe boating!

19' Seacraft

My '89 20'

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