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Old 05-12-2017, 06:37 PM
SailorChlud SailorChlud is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 359
Default Diving for burried treasure (in a stern locker)

So, taking Denny's advice, I cut an access hatch into the port locker (cooler/livewell) of my Seafari - and found a 40 year collection of treasure:

A billy club
two screwdrivers so old that the shafts had corroded away
a fuel bulb
a pocketknife
assorted lead sinkers and screws
8 count 'em, 8 scupper plugs
and two screws that fit perfectly into two holes in my locker cap.
two empty soda cans
a bottle of something (presumably petroleum based)

It is the gift that keeps on yielding surprises, this boat of mine!
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