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Old 06-04-2017, 07:57 AM
kevmen kevmen is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 68

I have one of these systems for my 23 inboard. I like it, but I also have a winch on the trailer. The trick is to set your trailer at the right depth - too deep and the boat hooks up then slides back off - too shallow and you won't reach it to get it to lock on. I usually get it close then winch the last foot or so if it doesn't stay locked. It is more of a convenience for launching to boat. Yes - I can't reach mine by hand either - I use my gaff to flip pice that locks the boat in place. Again - depth of the trailer matters or it can get hung up. When by myself, I disconnect winch, back boat in, jump on boat by way of the bow, start her up, disconnect latch and off to the dock. That being said - it is always much easier with a friend. Also, before you put it back on the trailer make sure the latch is open or you will keep bouncing off the bar and not hook up!
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