Thread: Seats
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Old 06-19-2017, 05:01 PM
striper56 striper56 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Niantic CT
Posts: 96
Default Seats

I am looking to add one or two more seat for my 1972 23 Septre. I was thinking about Garelick pedestal seats with a detachable stanchion plate. Then they can be removed when not in use. I am not sure where I would be able to thru bolt the plate. Maybe on the hinge hatch between the seats or on the deck covering the fuel tank. Then I thought that maybe a cooler seat with a back rest that swivels so you can sit facing fore or aft. Haven't seen one yet but I am sure they are out there. I was think I could mount the cooler seat to the decking outboard of the fuel tank. Not sure if I can get to that section of the deck after removing the decking over the tank. Any ideas and/or photos would be appreciated.
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