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Old 07-15-2017, 01:31 PM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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I'll be watching this, too.

Regarding this bold undertaking, I am curious about the pointy end.

On the 21, Mr. Moesly shaved the gunwales at the bow, abruptly cutting down the flare and turning it upward to meet the cap. Tall as it is, this makes for a wetter boat. I am curious if this had hydro or aero-dynamic purposes for racing apps; or if it was structural, or simply allowed for better visibility while riding way back on the v-pad.

Is there any reason not to continue outward with the flare returning more water away? The only ride detriment I can think of (albeit valid) is getting pushed around more by a wall of water in a mixed up sea while quartering in to it.

Any thoughts or insight in this?
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