Thread: Irma
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Old 09-12-2017, 07:23 PM
Terry England Terry England is offline
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Location: Indian Rocks Beach, Florida
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Originally Posted by cdavisdb View Post
We bugged out of Sarasota for Gainesville when it looked like a 4 coming over our heads. Boat is in an rv storage in Ocala, no power so I couldn't get it out. I came home today, no issues here, did not even rip the lanai screens, Power came on about an hour ago; Karen comes home tomorrow. Feel very lucky and very blessed.

it was really odd watching the eye ( or what was left of it) go up the west coast, while all the crazy weather went up the east coast. The eye passed about 20 miles west of Gainesville, minimal wind, while Jacksonville was getting pounded with 80 mph gusts.
Seems like the 12:00 - 3:00 quadrant is always the fiercest around the eye.
100 miles west of where it went would be a whole different story. The entire west coast of Florida would look like Big Pine Key.
Look at the bright side of things Conner, your boat is well positioned for the Homasassa Gathering.
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