Originally Posted by DonV
I want to see the 37' trawler showing some bottom on a hard turn like the Seafari avatar!!! 
The only time you/ll see the bottom of that trawler is when it's hauled out, like the pic below of the short haul prior to sea trial! That's the surveyor checking out the stern thruster.
Don't know why anyone would put trim tabs on a round chine displacement hull! Maybe to minimize wake size at WOT! Standard engine on this hull, which needs about 100 hp to make hull speed, was the 225 hp Cummins 6BTA motor, which would push it to about 12 kts @ WOT. However this one is grossly overpowered just like most of the dozen other trawlers we looked at. Must be the typical American "more is better" attitude, as this one has a 370 hp version, similar to the one in the Dodge Ram, which will push it to a blazing 14 kts and dig a very large hole in the water while burning 20 gph! At least the common rail engines burn much cleaner than the old mechanically injected diesels, which must be loaded to about 75% power to avoid carbon build up, stuck rings and reduced life. When run at about 1500 rpm, this engine will only burn 3 gph at about 9 mph! Not too bad for a 25,000 lb boat! I've been told that the 6BTA engine was originally designed for continuous operation as a power generator with a design service life of 25,000-40,000 hrs. With 300 gallons of fuel in 2 fiberglass tanks, and 120 gallons of water, it'll cruise a long way between fill ups! Most guys on the Loop say they spend more $ on marina slips, restaurants and booze than they spend on fuel!
Will post a link to some info on the boat once we close the deal on it. It's 37' 10" long and the Canadian company which built it in China was bought by Helmsman, who is now selling new ones as the Helmsman 38e for about $450K!