Yeah Michael that was a BIG question for me also, the guy across the canal from me has a 12 year old Honda 150....never a minutes trouble or a visit to the repair guy, another neighbor four doors down put a 225 Tohatsu on his Mako 14 months ago, so far never an issue and over doubled his fuel mileage, my brother's 2006 225 Honda on a 25' Aquasport he sold four years ago still runs perfect with 1600 hours with never a trip to the dealer and the dependability stories go on and on. The closest "master" dealer for major warranty work is 75 miles away from me which is not perfect but doable. I was a week from pulling the trigger on the Zuke, however for the wimpy boating old farts like Deb and I do, the Honda will do just fine. On eBay....a Lewmar pro fish 1000 for $821 soon to be on my bow to replace my V-3.