Thread: Never Again II
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Old 11-04-2017, 09:53 PM
PackRat PackRat is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Eastern Shore, MD
Posts: 95

Little more progress. Tank out. Most wiring removed. Need to scrub/ de- grease whole engine space. Lots of oil residue. Tank was in good shape with no serious pits. Might be a case for not foaming in tanks as only screws and rubber rub strips on the bottom. Let it breathe and allow to dry against the aluminum. Tank date on label says 1974.

Only 2x #10 screws per tank bracket into side of stringer which had worked loose after 42 years - guess not too bad.

Did find a surprise at the 90 degree fill elbow of the tank - looks like a failed fill with a can? Or maybe a siphon attempt?
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