Originally Posted by FLexpat
this thread has got me wondering if it makes any sense to a put small (3-4") screw in waterproof deck plate on the side of each stringer by the bilge - low down for inspection/draining when on the trailer - stupid or not? I don't know how much load the stringer walls get and haven't really thought about this before...
I wouldn't take to big of a inspection hole to know the condition of them. You could glass in a thick enough spot on the rear boxes to drill and tap for an 1/2" plug that can be removed to drain off any water. Place it far back as possible and low as possible then you can raise the nose of the boat/trailer up high pull the plugs and allow it to drain if needed. The hull I am working on now has water in the stringers and when I cut them back to fit the new transom I jacked the nose up to drain them. Once I was ready to glass the core in I let it back down in the front to stop the drainage so I could glass the transom in with out water running down to the bottom of the hull on the core. It would take time for it all to drain out but some drain plugs would allow a way out if it needed draining.