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Old 04-13-2018, 06:42 PM
Locke N Load Locke N Load is offline
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 146
Default Transom Style Question

I am trying to come up with a plan for the transom of my '71 Seafari 20. It was an inboard/outboard and will be converted to outboard. The transom is shot so it will be recored. Should I go with a notched transom instead of a full transom and bracket? I am looking for the simplest/quickest rebuild so thinking the notch.

I am sure if I search I can find out all the details for replacing the transom once I decide which way to go. Height of notch, glass layup, core material, etc.

I am leaning towards the Suzuki 350 for power, but haven't ruled out the Yamaha 350 or Verado 400.

Gotcha! Power will probably be a 150 of some variation; Zuke, Merc 4S, Opti or even an E-tec.
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