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Old 04-18-2018, 10:01 PM
dginge dginge is offline
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Posts: 198

I bought one in September of 2017 with a yanmar diesel 260hp. Bravo 3 Drive. They are far from maintenance free. I’m amazed at how much more of a pain in the ass they are than an outboard. Hoses, leaky seals, water pumps, etc etc etc. granted I love the sound and feel of this boat more than anything I’ve ever owned but be prepared to open up your billfold with those twins you got

Originally Posted by Gmoney28 View Post
I have been looking at a 23 with twin 3.0 mercruiser alpha 1gen 2 out drives , motors have 700 hours and out drives look good with no noticeable corrosion and all zincs in place and in good repair . Risers have been replaced and impeller s have been changed with , gimbal greased , solid maintenance records and excellent documentation on every part of boat . It is outfitted with epirb , Ray Marine A 60 GPS, fish finder, depth finder , , anchor windlass , good lighting, outriggers etc. , it comes with good trailer that has just been inspected . I have limited experience with stern drives , I owned a 1969 Grady that had the 4 cylinder with an old O M C pre cobra out drive , any input from a seacraft owner would be appreciated, I know something about the boats but would like to learn more , price is 16,000.00 Also 120 gallon fuel capacity , I am interested in running up to 40 miles offshore in N C. , current owner fished out Oregon around the first Tower and trolled all day us I g 32 gal. Any input on range ?
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