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Old 04-18-2018, 10:33 PM
dginge dginge is offline
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Posts: 198

40 miles is nothing for that boat, at least in our gulf here in Alabama. The boat can handle a lot for its class but I wouldn’t want to be in 4-5’s in it like people on this site seem to mention. It’s all about the engines when getting you home as you mentioned. My drain holes are out the side, 1 1/4 and drain fast. floor drains aren’t super fast but usually suck in water when the weight is back there. I don’t trust them unless they are less than 5 years old. I would redo them immediately if you buy the boat. I just redid my two out of the sides and now know why I had water in my bilge. Water was coming in one one side at a fast rate between the liner and the hullside.

You can do a lot in that boat, much more than your body will want to endure. I grew up on one and remember waves breaking over the bow and never felt scared although I think my dad was. Ha.

Originally Posted by Gmoney28 View Post
Thanks for the reply s , I have a friend and he loves his , it is an 23 ft c.c. 1985 . Those that have a 23 are you comfortable running 40 miles off shore , comfortable meaning confident in the boats ability to get you back , because of course getting there is not imperative , getting back is . Do the through hull scupper s effectively drain the decks , can you take water over the gunnels or transom with out flooding motors , the boat has a nice tight engine cover and 3 bilge pumps , of course I understand the amount of water is relative to how much a pump or scupper can remove . That has been y major concern , with the full transom and decent sides it seems that it should be fine as ,omg the operator doesn't go out when has no business being there , but I have been caught in storms that were not suppose to be in the forecast .
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