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Old 04-22-2018, 02:45 PM
GameOnSalmon GameOnSalmon is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 137
Default Repower: From Verado 345hp to Merc 3.4 225hp Four Stroke

Hey Guys,
Looking for some feedback just blew my Mercury verado that I had the computer flashed at Simon Motorsports. Have 23 tsunami with bracket custom windshield and full canvas.

When my verado was a 225 my boat ran 46 to 48 pretty consistently. When I had Simon Motorsports reflash the computer the boat would run 55 to 57 all day long with killer Cruise numbers.

Now I am considering the new Mercury 3.4 liter 4 stroke 225 coming in and only 475 pounds I got to think this boat will run close to 50 with that engine package on the back looking for some feedback and or thoughts or anyone else that is considering this repower what do you guys think.

$14,600 in Cold Fusion white with a 5-year Platinum warranty.

Can get a brand new 225 verado for $16,500 out the door and have Simon Motorsports reflash the PCM and turn it into a 345hp. What is 3 + 2 it is not Platinum. I'm really leaning towards the 225 four stroke versus the verado not to mention I could actually get service work done in Boise vs driving 500 miles for verado work.

Thanks in advance guys I appreciate it.
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