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Old 05-23-2018, 09:26 AM
spearit spearit is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 4
Default Soft front deck 1975 20’ SF

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So I am eager to get on the water this summer. I purchased this boat late 2017 and it has just sat in my barn until I finished up some other projects. I need a boat to use this summer, so I am not doing a full blown rebuild. The transom and floor all appear solid with the exception of the front deck where the hatches are and the fuel tank cover. I had the fuel tank cover recored, so I’m good there. I also had a new fuel tank fabricated. I am ditching the late 80’s 175 Mercury Black Max in favor of a 1998 Yamaha 130 V4.

My primary question is, aside from cutting out the front deck area and recording, does anyone have any suggestions to firm it up for the time being?
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