Thread: 350 Verado
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Old 09-12-2018, 07:42 AM
captainDH captainDH is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 58

Originally Posted by GameOnSalmon View Post

I spent considerable time getting the engine height and prop set good... I am running a Powertech OFS 4 blade 18.5 pitch with some extra cup... With the windscreen and full canvas enclosure... I Get

32 mph at 4000 RPM burning about 12 gallons an hour
54 mph at 6450 RPM burning close to 40 gallons an hour

I did not see a huge improvement from the 300 zuke to the 350 V-Rod...
2mph at cruise and 5 mph top end.

The next engine will for sure be the 300 Mercury V8 at 528 lbs that has to make a difference... my 350 weights right in at 670 lbs.

If u need anything else feel free to PM me..
totally agree robert, only i would be in for the vrod version which takes weight to a little over 600 lbs. my current 250 vrod is 670 lbs as stated.
i think the AMS would be worth the extra 60 lbs. also, phase 3 was promised this year. could be the current 350 like you have now be based off the new V8 platform... either way, plan is to run the current 250 until the time comes..
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