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Old 10-02-2018, 12:01 AM
FLexpat FLexpat is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 669

Originally Posted by John3325 View Post
Awesome thank you for the picture too. I had no idea it went through a block.

Any tricks to knocking the brass tube out besides curling the lips in and trying to knock loose with a flat head out the bottom?
One of my wooden blocks was mulch/jello. The other was fine. Both old brass tubes were badly corroded (40 years old).
I used a flat blade screwdriver and hammer to curl the lips in from the outside and then a socket with an extension to drive them up and out. Easy.
My replacements are 1-1/4" instead of 1" (50% more flow area). I used some 1-3/4" OD fiberglass pipe wrapped with 1708 as the new tube/block (2"OD after that). Wrapped the FG pipe first then cut it to the right length and angle. Smeared ends with thickened epoxy before inserting, then used the thickened epoxy to build a fillet around the upper and lower joints. Put a couple of small pieces of 1708 over the joints just 'cause I'm neurotic and hate leaks. The hard part was getting the new FG tubes centered on the old holes. Used a router bit to open the hole from the outside to 1-1/4 and a holesaw from underneath to get it right at the deck end. Haven't put the metal 'liner' tubes in yet; waiting til the decks are done. Not sure if I got pics but will post if I find some.
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