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Old 10-08-2018, 09:42 PM
John3325 John3325 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 173
Default 23' Seacraft - 1998 PCM 454 Performance Experience?

Since this is specific to one particular engine, I wanted to start a new thread. I have come across a 1998 new old stock PCM 454 FWC MPI engine for short money (in comparison to a new Merc or Crusaer 350).

Does anyone have performance numbers, pros, cons to a 454 in a 23 SF straight inboard setup?

One con is I will have to reconfigure my console. My front seat will have to be raised, along with the shelf on the inside of the console. This is a considerable amount of work, but the price of the PCM is enticing.

Any thoughts, comments, concerns, input is greatly appreciated!
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