Thread: Weber Grills
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Old 03-25-2019, 04:27 PM
Ed Ed is offline
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Originally Posted by Trayder View Post
I fear you may be correct, I have a 3 year old Genesis that sits on our deck in KW, under an awning of sorts and always covered with the Weber brand cover when not in use. It is showing its age at a wildly accelerated rate, much more than I would off thought for such a well regarded brand.

When it was brand new I sprayed most of the area below the cooking part of the grill with "Fluid Film" to prevent corrosion and I think that has helped a bit.

I have never really bitched about it to anyone till now, good therapy, ha!!, but it is good to know I am in good company with my rant.

I will say one thing is that the grill works better than any I have ever owned and I really enjoy using it and it makes me look like a much better cook than I am!!

Jason - Do your burgers ever taste like a goat or a sheep? Every time I spray my truck with Fluid smells like a farm for about a week.

On a more serious note, forget the Weber grills. My father in law bought us a MHP grill when we got married 10 years ago and it still works A-OK. They are made out of cast aluminum (and some stainless) in the USA.
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