bought this boat two week ago in the middle of Georgia (i live in the Melbourne Florida area. I got the boat for $2500 with a motor and trailer. Previous owner told me the t top was lag bolted down and also told me the tires on the trailer "could make it to California and back". Well, ended up having the center console and t top blow off the boat on a Georgia back road and had three tires blow on the way back to Florida.
the boat has problems; soft floors, no gas tank or gas tank hatch, but its transom was redone and is rock solid.
Finally got her home and decided to start in on the center console. Bought some half inch ply, 1708, 1.5 CSM, and some polyester resin. first thing was to sand the inside of the console where i would be reinforcing with ply. got her sanded down and wetted out the surface, applied mat, ply, and then 1708. Then i started to long journey of fairing and sanding and got her pretty close to where i want before gel coat is applied.
last weekend i decided to tackle the soft bow area with a technique i saw from a you tube expert. this technique included taping the soft area off and drilling holes ever couple of inches and injecting the void with epoxy to stiffen the area and it did work. but the area around where the t top and console were bolted down are very soft and with so many holes, using the epoxy method would not be the best method.
i decided to call a few of my buddies to help remove the cap and floor. well a few buddies turned to 6 buddies as the floor was a lot heavier then expected.
tomorrow i will begin to cut out the fiberglass and rotten wood from the back side of the floor as to preserve the aesthetics of the gel coated topside.
the cap is also soft but will be done while installed on the boat as i do not want to build a jig to recreate the contour of the boat hull.
wish me luck!