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Old 05-29-2019, 03:46 PM
Oldboat Oldboat is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
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Originally Posted by Kraken View Post
I’m definitely screwed now. Captain Gelcoat let me down. The non-skid was hot to walk on. I didn’t want a colored non-skid in the first place but was going to live with it. So he fixed it.

He didn’t sand off the old stuff of even scuff it up. He went right over the top with a roller and sand mixed with gelcoat. Looks really bad. I can see through it in places. Patches with no texture and some with mountains. Looks like crap. He lied to me about the sanding prep and it will peal anyway down the road. It has been 5 days to kick off and it’s still sticky.

The color on the sides is so soft you can push a fingernail into it. It is also about 10 mils think. He sanded through in places and it alligatored in others. Once again no acetone wipe. He also diluted the gelcoat with a lot of styrene.

Project is ruined.
I was at international today and going to confirm a white 300 digital 30 inch with mike tomorrow. I only need battery switch and battterys and wiring won’t take to long. I don’t know what engine u ordered but if it’s the same maybe I could take your slot. When are u due to be there
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