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Old 07-18-2019, 08:02 PM
steel686 steel686 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 138

The core is H80 1/2” Divinycell. I’m planning on 2 layers of 1708 for the bottom of the deck. As far as coring the sides of the hull, I have seen it on a bunch of the more involved builds starting with Strick, dirtwheels, I think BTK,...It always seemed like a drum skin when you slapped the sides and just assume it will deaden the whole structure. I just put one layer of 1708 on the sides to seal it up. The balsa core seemed more like 3/8”. I understand why most people chose to cut the deck, leave a lip around the edge, and pad the stringers but I started down the path one way and kept going.
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