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08-05-2019, 10:20 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Texas
Posts: 102
All Done
I have finished the rebuild and have started using my Seacraft (finally!!). I never intended on this project to take over 5 years and but I moved overseas and so that slowed the progress. I am back now and finished up the rebuild earlier this year. The boat has been great. I keep it in a boathouse that is tall enough to enable me to keep the top portion in place without having to hinge it down into the transit position. I have made several bay fishing trips and a few trips offshore. It has been great and I have never been on a comparable-sized boat that handles the Gulf of Mexico chop as well as this one does. Here is what she looks like now.....
Thank you to you all who have helped me with your input on my rebuild.
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