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Old 08-26-2019, 11:19 AM
captsuperfly captsuperfly is offline
Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 74
Default Stoner Bracket Experience

Hi. First post on the site. I’m planning a total stringers up rebuild on a 1979 23 Sceptre hull that will be converted to a CC. (The cap on the hull is already trashed and the builder doing the work with me has a mold to make a new CC cap).

The build won’t really start till January or so, but of course I’m already obsessing on details. The builder is suggesting an Armstrong bracket since that’s what he’s been using and they build him one with a big, deep flotation tank he’s had good results with on the 23. I respect that he’s done a bunch of these and has learned what works and seems to have it dialed in.

That said, I think I would prefer a fiberglass bracket for a few reasons. Hermco is no more, but I see folks suggesting the Stoner bracket. I plan on rigging the boat with a single Suzuki 300. From what I can see, the platform is a bit higher and that gives me more options when mounting trim tabs (I really like robust trim tabs). Also, I will wet slip the boat, so glass is a better option.

Has anybody actually RIGGED the 23 with the Stoner bracket and can speak to performance? Academically, the advantages are clear to me, but I’m hoping for any direct experience running this bracket with a single outboard.

I’m sure I’ll have a billion questions as I do this build, but figured one at a time is best.

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