Console attachment issues Nida-Core raised deck
I am new to the board and also a new owner of a restored 1972 center console Seacraft . The boat was restored beautifully by its previous owner, two years ago - however I have a problem with the console coming loose from the deck. I have been doing some research and what I have found seems to be that there are various options to attach including gluing down with 3M 5200 as well as various reinforcing methods (epoxy ‘plugs’, backing plates under deck using locking nuts and bolts) The console currently is attached with a number of stainless steel screws that have lost their grip. The caulk/glue is rubbery like silicone and not attached at all to the console and easily removable.
I suppose I’m curious to see what kind of feedback I get it looks to me like I may need to cut an access hole under the consul to be able to attach with nuts and bolts thoroughly and thoroughly clean the surface and utilize 5200. Hoping for some answers and I’m very happy with this beautiful boat!