Thread: Wet stringers?
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Old 09-04-2019, 03:53 PM
jwclbi jwclbi is offline
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Default Wet stringers?

So heres my problem, it seems my 1973 20' SF is holding water I believe. I have noticed over the past few years the boat sitting a little lower and water is over the painted waterline. I could easily just raise the paint but that is not going to solve the problem. I believe the stringers have gotten wet over all the years. Also I'm running a 225hp two smoker and light on fuel with just me on board running low 50's mph. The boat used to run much faster and actually chine walk pretty bad trimmed up with 4 people. Engine has full compression and is propped right. The deck was removed and replaced in 2005 and is all composite so no water there. New composite transom 4 years ago too. Anyone ever cut open stringers and remove the foam and replace? If so how wet and heavy was it? Any thoughts would be helpful, thank you.
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