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Old 09-25-2019, 08:22 PM
fishingproblem fishingproblem is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 44
Default Looking for Love in all the wrong places, SO CAL

Not many Seacraft boats on the left coast and the few I have looked at are in need of seemingly major work. Today I finally looked at one that has been in my sights for awhile and it had some curious features. First of all the ID plate has been compromised and there was no visible SN. It is listed as a 21' however I walked it off at closer to 19'. Is it a SF20'?

There are holes below the water line one forward starboard side below the fish box and two aft serving as deck drains outlets. There is the standard drain located center bottom on the transom and then one more drain hole port side below the water line. At the risk of seeming ignorant of marine engineering is it effective or safe to have a deck drain going straight down?
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