I did a quick search here for things I remember reading in the past. There is a lot of info from a few folks that have that power if you search for it. Both posts linked below are guys that do long runs with this motor - Terry does it loaded with lots of heavy dive gear. I have not been on a boat with this power - only read about it as its on my wish list. I have never heard anyone say it is not enough power. Good fuel burn, mid-30's top end and can stay on plane down to 13 mph or so (which is awesome when the water gets choppy).
I think the only drawback would be resale, simply because some of your potential buyers would have some prejudice towards smaller power (I'll pass on the manhood comparisons!). Since newer 20' boats have big power it just seems normal to think that 150-200 HP is normal fare for this hull. This is not a newer hull. Mr Moesly put some real genius into making a remarkable hull and I think that the 90 fits his design - with regards to weight and power - closer than any new motor out there.
Post # 16 & 19
Post #2
Read lots of stuff and good luck with your decision.