possible 74 , 23' purchase question
Currently looking at a 23 center 1974 . single engine. tank replaced 2016 all hatches redone. my only issue right now is 2 soft spots on each side of the console. Is anyone familiar with the stringer system on this boat and do you think the soft spots have caused any water intrusion in the stringers around this area or could it just be isolated? the other thing that concerns me is that the owner has had this boaqt in the water for the last 3 months.
besides this soft spot issue so far its the best one ive found on the market without having to break the bank to make the move. any information would be great. Im not scared of having to repair the deck even if i have to rip the whole thing off ive done it before on Aquasports. Stringers is a whole other issue ive never tackled and not cheap.