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Old 01-26-2020, 10:49 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Originally Posted by SeaCraft Seafari Searcher View Post
. . . What should I expect for a full restoration with an outboard conversion (making the boat comparable to brand new)? . . .
Any advice would be appreciated.
An attachment to a Seafari is not irrational at all . . . I ran my 20 for 42 years and found it to be so versatile that I was able to do all kinds of stuff with it!

I'd be real careful about converting a 25 Seafari to an outboard however. Connor Davis is the resident expert on this hull having put thousands of sea miles on his on some very rough Bahama trips, but from his comments, I believe this hull seems to like more weight forward. (Moesly designed it to have a forward ballast tank which Potter never included!) And because of it's very high deadrise, the lower the CG is in the hull, the more stable it will be. Installing outboards on a bracket will raise the CG and move it aft, so just the OPPOSITE of where it was designed to be and the opposite what a very experienced owner says works best! I have nothing against outboards as both the E-TECs and new 4-strokes are great motors, but I really believe this very unique design is better suited to a modern I/O like the Duo-prop with a fuel injected engine. An I/O might also be cheaper and easier to work on due to older/simpler automotive technology!
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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