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Old 04-11-2020, 06:08 PM
Capt Terry Capt Terry is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 573
Default Engine Height

The advice I have heard and read on the ETECowners site is the first thing is get the engine height so at cruise the AV plate is skimming on the top of the water (you can search for example photos). Next choose a prop the gets you to the recommended rpm at WOT to avoid lugging the engine. Some props will run higher w/o cavitation. Last year When I redid my transom on my Seafari I raised it to 22” to continue to run with my 20” ETEC 150 and the bottom of the AV plate is 2 3/8” above keel, running a 5b High Five (found this to be the best choice for steadier watersport speeds). The engine has been raised 4 times since original dealer install
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