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Old 04-12-2020, 09:54 PM
jsylvester08 jsylvester08 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 25
Default 20’SF Rod Holder area ideas

I wanted to see if anyone has done anything creative with the bow rod holder area on the 20SF. I’m redoing old coaming bolsters around the bow for the wife and kids to be more comfortable and was thinking there must be a better use of that space. I was thinking of maybe some cup holders or something along those lines. I’m luckily enough to have a boat on a canal in my backyard so using that area for storage has never been for me. Prob only used it a few times to hold rods and IMO doesn’t do a good job keeping them safe (always from kids).

So my question is has anyone come up with any creative idea to better utilize this area?
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