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Old 05-13-2020, 01:11 PM
dirtwheelsfl dirtwheelsfl is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: St. Lucie county FL
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Not that particular brand, but have used nidacore, nidaplast, plascore, from 1/2" boxes to 3" hardtops, even used the aluminum variety for some gubmint work...Theyre all pretty much the same. i think carboncore is a guy that was with nida before 3M bought em?

You can get it with a barrier in it too to prevent resin from running into the cells.

Shines in compression which is why its good for that situation. Just need to plan out any fastening locations.

Light and cheap too. Just watchout, some places sell it in a 4x7 instead of a 4x8...
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