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Old 06-30-2020, 04:39 AM
Xcomunic8d Xcomunic8d is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 320

Welcome to CSC!

Can you give us more pics? I can’t tell much from that other than you have space for a tank. Now routing it will be the fun. Ps don’t forget the vent must run downhill or uphill depending on viewpoint to prevent vapor locks (filling and emptying issues). Filling and pickup are less an issue in my setup.

Do you have access around those bulkheads to route lines etc?
Put your pick up tube towards the rear. When on plane that’s where your last bits of fuel will be. My 2 tanks are vented and filled on stern transom cap. I have each running to an individual fuel water separator With a ball valve then in-line together to an electric assist fuel pump on to outboard. I have a friend with a boat that fills and vents off the starboard side of hull. Not as pretty but I imagine considerably cheaper and easier hose routing.

In theory the tanks should evenly empty as it pulls a vacuum and pressure equalizes. I also am keeping my fuel pickup, fill, and vent lines the same length.
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