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Old 07-06-2020, 01:41 PM
whistler whistler is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 27
Default 23 Sceptre OB on transom vs 23 CC with OB on bracket - impressions.

I have owned a '78 Sceptre 23 with a transom mounted outboard for 5 years. I just purchased a '78 23 CC with a bracket mounted outboard. Since questions about adding a bracket are pretty common, I wanted to share my impressions of the handling/performance differences in these 2 boats.

Boat 1: '78 Sceptre 23 with a Mercury 200 EFI 25" on the transom. The boat is largely original, without any structural modifications. Everything is in its original location. No hardtop. Boat has 12x12 tabs. Prop is a Mercury Rev 4.
Performance/handling impressions: This boat is awesome It jumps on plane quickly with relatively little bow rise. Runs flat, seems to really like 30MPH+ when conditions allow. With tabs down, it can stay on plane down to 12-13MPH for when it getts snotty and you need to slow down for comfort. Definitely has the legendary Seacraft ride. Almost always lands soft. Does not exhibit any weird handling in either head or following sea. Is easy to handle around the dock with good steering and response in both forward and reverse. The windshield provides excellent weather protection and the cuddy is great for dry storage. The huge "dance floor" in the back is great for trolling and ok for bottom fishing/live baiting.

Boat 2: '78 Sceptre 23 with a full transom and a Yamaha 250HPDI on a Hermco single bracket. Boat was redone some time ago and while the layout remains largely unchanged, it is probably lighter due to the use of foam for the sole and a smaller console. Boat has a small T-top with fiberglass top. The fuel tank may have been moved forward in the hull, but I am not yet certain. No trim tabs (yet). Prop is a Mercury Mirage.
Performance/handling impressions: Getting on plane is slower and with much more pronounced bow rise. The acceleration is probably the same or better, but since the boat planes at a higher speed, it takes longer to get on plane. Likes to run 30MPH+ as it really levels out. I did not specifically try to find the minimum planing speed but suspect it is around 18-20MPH. Once on plane, the ride is great. Lands soft, and the more rearward position of the helm in comparison to the Sceptre makes for a smoother ride for the captain. Around the dock, it definitely requires more throttle in reverse and is a little more lazy to turn - but not by much. The CC layout is very versatile and great for bottom fishing/live baiting. The CC layout also gives you a feeling of being closer to the water. Of course that goes both ways, and there is less protection from wind or spray.

The change of CG when adding a bracket is readily felt and impacts performance at slow speeds. Above 25MPH, the boats feel very similar. To be fair, the Sceptre is set-up better with a 4 blade prop and tabs. I will change the prop on the CC and add tabs, and expect the boat to plane better.
Of course, the Sceptre has more weight up front so its not an apples to apples comparison. In addition, the Mercury 200EFI on the Sceptre is also much lighter compared to the 250HPDI. Interestingly, for the boating that I do, the 50 extra horsepower are not immediately felt. Yes, the top speed of the CC is higher (48MPH vs 41MPH for the Scpetre), and yes the 200 EFI has to turn more RPM at cruise - but both boats feel perfectly happy at 30MPH where I find myself most of the time when conditions allow. I think the new Mercury V6 225 would be about perfect for a repower.
The bracket is really nice for improving cockpit space, reducing motor noise in the cockpit and is very convenient as a swimming platform.

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