Thread: 1988 18sf
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Old 07-20-2020, 10:20 AM
bobmac bobmac is offline
Join Date: May 2020
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I struggled all weekend trying to figure out a way to pull the old fuel fill hose.
What a PITA!

I gave up. The old hose is foamed in tight. Short of attempting to digging it out through the 2" hole in the gunnel, or removing the entire top cap, the old fill hose is there to stay!

It still in working shape and will have to do. I wasted over a hundred dollars on new filler hose, and only used about 18" of it.

Anyway, the tank is in, and I cleaned her up pretty good. Still gotta mount the tank lid, connect all the wiring and install batteries.

Here's a couple pics I took this morning.
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