Thread: Transom help
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Old 09-08-2020, 10:28 PM
gatto121212 gatto121212 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 3
Default Transom help

Hey guys!

First time Seacraft owner and first time restore! I have a 1984 20’ Master Angler. I have gotten the old transom out and all cleaned up. My plans are to glass in the transom no more cut out. Also, plans are to put a swim platform and a 200hp 4 stroke Suzuki on the back. My question is what material should I go with to redo the transom. Marine plywood or Coosa? Or anything else? What thickness should I do? Original transom that I just removed was 2”. I plan on moving center console and fuel tank forward to offset the weight. I just want to make sure that I’m using the suggested material. If it needs to be thicker for the additional weight would be good to know in advance.

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