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Old 11-25-2020, 07:00 PM
Yardguy Yardguy is offline
Join Date: Oct 2020
Posts: 29

Originally Posted by flyingfrizzle View Post
Not necessary on the 23's You loose to much freeboard in my opinion. The 20' hulls that were pre 1974 had lower decks. They were raised in late 73 and all 74 up has taller floors. Heavy outboards and do have a lot to do with water flooding the decks on the 20s but I have a 74 with factory original decks and don't have any issues. I did glass the bottom threw deck scuppers and reran them out the rear but Ive never had water come back in even when I had a heaver outboard on it. Current power is 395lbs dry and they are plenty high above the water line.
On the 20, wasnt twin 85hp outboards an option? That had to outweigh the 395lb you have hanging there.
Planning on slamming a yamaha 175 on mine so maybe a 100lb pig in the bow to make up for it. Decks are being raised an inch or so just in case
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