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Old 01-28-2021, 06:59 PM
Snookerd Snookerd is offline
Founding Father
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Bradenton, FL.
Posts: 2,658
Default Buh-Bye COVID...CSC Gatherings 2021 POLL Here We Go...

Brothers of our fabled SeaCraft boats......the time has come once again to turn our attentions to a more enjoyable pursuit-getting together to stare at our boats, discuss fiberglass itching, catch/spear/gather our food sources, build a big fire, and finally eat well and tell multiple lies about our boating experiences and general talent levels! We are all in need of bugging out of our safe places and generally letting loose.

We have new 27's,23's,20's, and 18's that need to be broken in, new outboards to be broken in, and many new CSC brothers that will step up and deliver their MAN CARD this year. We all have learned in 2020 that we only live once. Now is the time to put that man card in an old timey photo copier and hit the enlarge button to 200%!

Who is in for a spring gathering, summer Bahamas trip, and a fall west coast kick back gathering???? The poll will help you answer that loaded question....

Tight lines, brothers.....
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