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Old 02-13-2021, 08:55 AM
bmajvi bmajvi is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: St. Croix USVI
Posts: 134

I did that when we repowered our 23. Old engine was lucky to get 1.25 mpg on a good day, and the 75 gallon tank was deeply pitted where water was trapped by foam. I realized that the new motor should get 3+ mpg, so opted for building a new 40 gallon tanks, with all new hoses, and a foam free install. Actual consumption with the new motor turned out closer to 4 mpg, so we greatly increased range, reduced weight, and tank was about half the cost of duplicating the old one. Not for everybody I know, we do frequent short runs... it's worked out just fine for us.
1977 23' Sceptre
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