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Old 02-22-2021, 10:14 AM
TMala TMala is offline
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 82

I have a 39 gallon tank on my 20ft with a suzuki 4-stroke. Even carrying 15-20 extra gallons over the course of the season for every trip would be like carrying one more smallsih passenger on the bow for every single trip. I can feel the difference on my 20 ft in the handling and performance of the boat without the extra 100 pounds on the bow and the 4-stroke range with 39 gallons I would probably never touch. Thats was just my thought about it, the extra is nice but the way I use the boat I think the most I ever used on one run was 20 gallons or half the tank. Also, depending on how often you use the boat maybe turning in some fresh gas every trip or two is a good thing to keep fresh gas going through the engine.
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