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Old 03-07-2021, 05:26 AM
Xcomunic8d Xcomunic8d is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 320

Here’s a beginner list from others. All input appreciated I’m making a plan as I tear down and build the motor. I believe all big hurdles are addressed so far.

I do plan on running direct port injection (injectors) vs a carb setup. This means you will need a map sensor. Many harnesses do not offer a MAP sensor, so be forewarned. I did really consider building a 383 stroker with the mercruiser elbows and risers. I did consider changing out the heads for merc style old 350 heads. The intake will not work and my engine has a TBSS on it and I’m not sure about 350 heads on a LS I know reverse can be done change my mind if you can. I got this engine free and it helps a friend. I believe it will cost less, produce the max power a bravo can handle, and be more reliable over the long run. Ps it has 243 heads on it too. I’d rather have 706’s but 243’s are quite good.

Here is a list of mechanical parts I have compiled so far:

1. Mercruiser Stock bell housing cover works just fine, early Alpha 1 large back opening or cut the hole bigger.

2. Step Dowel Pins may be needed to align the flywheel cover to the engine. Have some step dowels machined 0.62" on one end and 0.704" on the other. About 1" to 1.25" long splitting the length between the two diameters.

3. Considering a Hardin Marine aluminum flywheel.

4. Drive coupler is from a 7.4L 454 Mercruiser with the round mounting plate with six bolt holes in it. I believe this will be better than a 5.7 for hp ratings etc.

5. Engine Mounts ICT billet LLC part number 551628. $$35 eBay and some mercruiser motor mounts to dial in height angle and vibration. eBay $30

6. MARINE engine depot. Has crank mounted water pump. Johnson f6b-9 pump and adapters
Part # 512601- crank balancer adapter $69
Part# 527018- bushing $4
Part #302391- pump support bracket $69
Ordered the pump on Amazon- $135

7. Will reuse the factory serpentine belt setup for water pump, alternator, and power steering.

8 Edit: NOT NEEDED! May need to put a bracket in place of factory a/c compressor. This will allow a mercruiser impeller water pump for the closed cooling system. I’m hearing different things on the bravos having water impellers.

9. Closed cooling system for heat exchanger of antifreeze and secondary one for power steering

10. Hardin marine LS exhaust elbows and riser kit.

Note: this is just about how to marinize a LS. I have an entire other list of things to do to the engine first. We will go through that too as we go. And we will need to cover the outdrive portion too.
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