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Old 03-12-2021, 03:18 PM
take a potter take a potter is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: lexington, virginia
Posts: 85
Default Advice on new floor install on 23'

Trying to figure out the best way to do the floor on my rebuild.
I am using 1/2" marine ply with 2 layers of 1700 on each side.

Here are a couple of pics of where I am at now.

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So questions... All of these are as much about final function/structure as they are about how to actually fabricate/install.

Scuppers will go out the side, I plan on a fabricating 2"x4" fiberglass tubes to go thru the hull sides at a rear ward angle. I am not sure if I will build clam shells on the outside or not. I think dirtwheels did, but I don't think kmoose did. Not sure of the need? Do I just run them out above the deck with a little well? Or should they go down thru the deck and then elbow out the side?

I would like to raise the deck about 3/4". So if I would put 1" pvc on top of the potter putty on top of the stringers, seen in the above pics, and then crown the deck so that it sits on the top of the existing deck at the edges(would be about 3/8" of crown). Or do I need to remove all of the potter putty and build up the stringers? The good thing about the putty that's there is that it did touch the deck in all places so it would give me a good base height. Was interesting to see the nail holding a small piece of ply that had been used during construction to space the deck.

I am undecided on whether to build the deck with a main hatch caulked down over the fuel tank of just make it solid. In order to access the whole fuel tank in the future the console would need to come out anyway. One less "hatch" to make if I go the solid route.

I would assume that with crowned deck I should layup the deck and then cut the hatches, thereby incorporating the crown into the hatch. Is this the best method?

Also, what are the pros and cons as far as laying up the whole deck as a unit and installing it as one piece? Any big gotchas that favor one way over the other?

There were gutters on the aft sides of the deck. Can anyone see a problem with getting rid of these, not just from a water flow perspective but also from the stand point of glassing in the new deck? If I bevel the edge of the ply before glassing it then I would think that wrapping the edge would be easier.

OK, that was a lot of information, and I thank you for taking the time to read thru it all!

Any and all suggestions are welcome.

Thank you.
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