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Old 04-04-2021, 07:44 PM
No grave but the Seacraft No grave but the Seacraft is offline
Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 97
Default 1988 SeaCraft rebuild

The cap went under the knife today. The core was ~75% rotten. You can see roughly how it will be laid out. I will be cutting the coaming off completely at the stern and have it increase moving forward of the front rod holder/ gunwale support so that it is 3-4" tall to allow for some foam padding. I will have to do a bit of trimming and make a few relief cuts so that it will follow the new hull shape before re-coring it with 1/2" Divinycell H-80. The deck portion will be supported with the remaining pieces of the pre-form battens. I was surprised with the difference they made stiffening the hull sides. I think the easiest way to do it will be to cut all the foam to shape, glass the undersides, lay it in place, set the cap on top, screw it back to the hull and finally glass it all together.
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