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Old 04-15-2021, 03:54 PM
KNZ911 KNZ911 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 100

Alexseal has been very easy to work with. I rolled a mako 20 last month. Not the greatest prep job, but the pain flowed out great. I did matterhorn white topside and Kingston grey hull sides. I rolled it with the additive and, most ppl who see it can't believe it was just rolled. Even a neighbor who paints cars was impressed with how well it rolled out. For top side, I used two quarts of just paint. The Softsand particles eats up the paint. I did one coat paint, let dry, scuffed, and taped off perimeter. Scuffed with red scotch bright. Rolled paint and sprinkled Medium grit softsand as thick as I could over sections. Let dry and reclaimed with a brush and dust pan for re-use. I recommend rolling the cover coat while the tape is still in place. That will keep any left over particles from attaching on the slick section. I learned the hard way. The paint covered in two coats, but I did three for good measure. I know it would be blasphemy, but ill post a few pics of the Mako for you to see.
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